

Looking for that glowing healthy skin? Start with drinking plenty of water.
Sep 14th 2020 | Posted by Content Editor: Josh A.

Looking for that glowing healthy skin? Start with drinking plenty of water.

Most of us are looking for that radiant healthy skin and the answer is drinking plenty of water. Since our largest organ is the skin and our bodies are made up of mostly water it is crucial for us to maintain a well hydrated body to keep our organs happy and healthy.

For your skin to get hydrated you must first drink plenty of water, which will pass through your intestines, get absorbed into the bloodstream, hydrate your cells then pass through your kidneys to remove toxins and waste.

To maintain proper moister to the skin, it is recommended that you limit your skins exposure to harsh elements such as, sun, alcohol, long hot bathes or showers, harsh cold or extreme dry heat environments. Another major factor to healthy skin is be aware of products you place on your skin and the vitamins that your skin craves. It is best to hydrate with not only water but with food enriched in fatty acids, supplements rich in Vitamin E and K along with collagen. Use natural ingredients such as exotic oils like coconut, almond, jojoba to maintain the soft glowing skin you desire.

If you are looking for a healthier alternative, try drinking Alkaline Up water. Alkaline Up water is higher in mineral and nutrients your skin will not say no. So, for the healthiest softest glowing skin, drink your water, eat a healthy nutrient filled diet and moisturize with natural oils. After all, you deserve it.

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