

Mental Health Tips Being In the Home
Sep 14th 2020 | Posted by Author: Sara Quirconi

Mental Health Tips Being In the Home

Working from home may sound ideal, with many asking for flexible office days in previous month. However, for many now faced with the new reality of working remote continuously, it can prove to be challenging to one’s mental health.

We’re dealing with family, small spaces, confined areas, and a lack of personal space or boundaries that can drive even the most zen of us a like crazy. These 6 tips can help you to keep your mental health in check while working from home — and keep your immune system high and healthy.

1. Get Dressed

Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean you have to stay in your PJs all day. The way we dress affects our mindset of ourselves and, possibly, even our energy. Getting dressed in our “work attire” can cue us that it is time to work, or at least be more productive throughout our day.

2. Shower First Thing

Self-care is of the utmost important right now, and staying clean and maintaining personal hygiene on that list. Plus, a shower in the morning is a great way to wake up to the day and get energized and ready to go.

3. Set Media Time Limits

It can be all too easy to get consumed by the scroll of social media, or the news. Instead, set time limits for how long you spend on each platform to prevent an hour of mindless media passing.

Overconsumption of news can have the opposite affect of being informed, and instead, overwhelm you. Limit to certain hours and time frames of the day to not overload your mind with negativity.

4. Connect With Others Virtually

Setting up times for calls virtually is a necessary way to keep in contact with others. Both for work, and always for pleasure! Set up a virtual coffee date with a friend, or connect with family from afar. It’s important to keep our ties with loved ones, even if we need to socially distance for the time being.

5. Set a Schedule

Wake up and have your day’s agenda already planned. Having a schedule helps you to stay clear on your purpose, on target, and prioritize your needs in the day. This also helps if you’re working from home with family members around, letting them know when is work time and when is family time.

6. Drink Plenty of Water

Now, more than ever, you have the ability to drink enough water! We recommend filling up your Dafi Alkaline Pitcher twice during the day, refilling your sports bottle throughout, to ensure you’re staying hydrated. 

A bonus, the higher pH level in alkaline water can also help to increase your productivity. So, drink up!

7. Eat Immune Boosting Foods

Eating well will help fuel your system and keep your immunity high. Aim to eat the rainbows, adding in plenty of colors to your dishes. Think of colors as different sources of energy to add to your body.

Not sure what to eat? Whatever is local and in season for your location will be freshest.

8. Create Sections In Your Home

Even though we may not be leaving the home, it is wise to section off difference spaces for different activities. For example, the kitchen is for food prep, dining and family time. The bedroom for sleeping and stretching. The office space is for working, calls and virtual meetings. This helps your brain to stay activated in those areas to stay on task, instead of mixing them all in to one.

9. Move Daily

Your body was designed to move, and we’re doing it a disservice keeping it sedentary for too many hours. Movement creates a flow of energy, which can increase your happiness, focus, productivity, and overall health mobility. Even if you cannot go outside, having a 15-30 minute stretch can have a positive impact on your mental health.

Be sure to hydrate up after from your Dafi pitcher!

10. Fresh Air

If you can go outside while keeping to your governing rules, get outside for a walk and take in some fresh air. Even five minutes can make a difference in your mood. If you can’t go outside, try opening a window to increase the air circulation if it’s safe to do so.


We hope those ten tips have been helpful for you to increase your mental health mood while working from home. Above all, stay healthy, safe, hydrated and well.

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