

How to shop

We want to make your shopping experience as user-friendly as possible. Below you can find the standard steps of purchasing goods in our online store.

Next to each item you will find following icons:

cart.jpg Add to shopping cart – after clicking the icon item will be added to your shopping cart. Number in a blue circle next to cart indicates amount of items. 
wish-list.jpg Add to favorites
compare.jpg Add to compare

Choose of the item.

Below we will help you understand the features describing our products.

Naming of Dafi Pitchers:

  1. Astra – name of the pitcher
  2. Classic – type of compatible cartridge
  3. 12 cups – total volume of pitcher
  4. MI – cartridge replacement indicator
  5. Mint – color of pitcher

Cartridge replacement indicator:

MI – manual indicator LED – electronic indicator
manual.png led.png

Spout type:

Open Manual flap
kratka.png klapka.png

Cartridge type:

Classic Unimax
classic.png unimax.png


  1. Products can be added to shopping cart from product’s page directly or from quickshop window, where you can find details about product (color, availability, etc.)
  2. After selecting a product you can add it to your shopping cart.
  3. If you do not want to add an item to shopping cart at the moment you can save it in your favorites list and then move it to the cart.
  4. All of the products can be added to favorites list, but only available products can be added to shopping cart. After adding an item to the cart in the top right corner shopping cart icon will show last three products added.
  5. By clicking “shopping cart details” (in the top right corner) or “buy now” (in quickshop window or product’s page) you will be redirected to the full shopping cart view where you can change amounts of products and adjust your order.
  6. After adding products to the shopping carts you can finalize your purchase. Next you will provide shipping address and information for invoice if you wish to receive one. You can also choose the payment option, which is the last step.
  7. Pitcher’s color can be slightly different depending on you monitoring settings.

After finalizing order you will receive a confirmation email about realization of your order.