

Dafi Blog

Ecology 101 with Dafi!
Aug 24th 2017

Ecology 101 with Dafi!

Ecology, environment, pollution, have recently been used quite often in media recently and finally more and more people are becoming concerned about condition of Planet Earth. Nonetheless, United States are still behind some of worldwide averages when it comes to protection of the environment. Why is that happening? Why so many of us have little or no regards towards condition of environment. Obviously, in many European countries highly ecological culture was enforced by governmental insti …
Take a Sip of Activity!
Aug 14th 2017

Take a Sip of Activity!

Are you a busy person struggling with managing all your responsibilities on a day to day basis? Are you tired of running out of water whether you are in your office, at the gym, during walk, or just hanging out in your house? If you can relate to any of these problems, Dafi has a perfect solution for you. Take a couple minutes and check out more information about the product which can make your life easier and improve your health.People often fail to meet daily requirements when it comes to hydr …