

Sep 14th 2020 | Posted by Author: Sara Quirconi


The new year is here, and we’re all focused on achieving our health goals for the 365 days ahead. What better way to learn about healthy habits than to ask the experts who live, breathe, teach and share them!

In the Flow is a new well-being series on the Dafi blog, featuring monthly interviews with wellness, health and fitness professionals. Kicking off this series is wellness lifestyle influencer, Ali Lizzi (a.k.a. Lady Lentils, which you’re later learn where the nickname came from) as she shares her tips, day in the life, and wellness inspiration with us, staying hydrated and healthy with her Dafi Alkaline Water Pitcher.

What’s your trick to keeping hydrated?

I don’t think you’ll ever see me without a water bottle or glass in hand filled up with alkaline water — I even keep track of how much I drink with an easy to track wellness app. I drink a glass of water prior to every meal, and always fill my days with almost entirely fruits and vegetables. Living in Miami, staying hydrated is KEY.

Can you share what a day in your life looks like?

I mediate to the sunrise daily, and I always start with a glass of alkaline water and a digestive enzyme 30 minutes before eating, usually before I start cooking breakfast for myself and my partner. I meditate, do reiki on myself, and do about 5 minutes of breath work before heading to a workout. I try and move my body for at least an hour every single day. I hydrate with alkaline water before, during and after my workout. I stretch, and make lunch for my boyfriend and I usually consisted of an oversized green salad, a green smoothie and some kind of protein. From there, I will usually answer emails, take phone calls, create content or give reiki healing to my clients. If it’s an off day, I will head straight to the beach with an entire liter or alkaline water.

My partner usually makes dinner, but I always help prep with salad and a side dish, some of my favorites are roasted cauliflower with zaatar, artichokes, hummus or baba ghanoush. We do not watch television in our home so we usually end the night meditating, spending time together or playing different tribal songs together while relaxing on our crystal heating pads. I always have a glass of alkaline water close by when I’m relaxing on the heating pad to keep myself from getting over heated.

Before bed, my partner usually will make me fresh hibiscus tea from the flowers themselves seeped in alkaline water.

We give thanks for our day, and show gratitude to one another and Mother Earth for allowing us to have such a beautiful life.

How did you get into health, fitness and well-being?

I began my journey into wellness after quitting my dream job as an assistant buyer at a large department store. I became very unhealthy while working my corporate job, and knew that I needed to shift my direction in life.

I began creating lots of plant-based foods and sharing them on my Instagram, which is what grew my popularity on my account. However, from there, my wellness journey really kicked off. I was always looking for new holistic ways to heal myself and create a calm mind. I began meditating daily, moving my body in ways that felt good, and eventually left the hustle of New York City to live with the love of my life on the beach in Miami healing others through reiki and meditation as a Holy Fire Reiki Master. There were many ups and downs along the way, but life has become full of wellness and spirituality, which I am extremely grateful for every single day.

When you did you know you wanted to do this full time?

Full time, I have a private reiki practice and am a certified health coach. I also love creating visionary art, and will be having a show this spring. However, this is a large portion of my life and where my income stems from. It was one of those things that just happened, I was working multiple jobs in New York City but when I moved to Miami this past year, I knew I wanted to be able to focus on other aspects of my life and my Instagram account took off!

What does “lady lentils” mean?

It was a nickname a few of my coworkers gave me when I first started my account since I would always bring interesting lentil dishes for lunch!

What’s your perfect Sunday in Miami?

Everyday is really a perfect day when you allow it to be, but a little bit of sunshine always helps. We spend our Sundays inviting family or our neighbors over for a big breakfast, I absolutely love to host brunches and dinner parties filled with tasty healthy food! Then we’ll usually do yoga on our deck, or take a long walk on the beach. We’ll usually make some fresh hibiscus tea and go to the beach, sing songs together and soak in the sunshine.

How do you get motivated every morning?

When you wake up to a life you love, motivation just presents itself. Create a life you love waking up to, and all the motivation you need will come. To create a life you love, simply figure out what makes you happiest and continue pursuing it without ever giving up and each day you will get closer. A few years ago, I was working three jobs, barely could pay rent and had an extreme case of adrenal fatigue. I was not happy with my life. So, I decided to map out my dream life, exactly how I would want it. Three years later, lots of manifesting and thoughtful work, I have a life that I am excited to wake up to and better myself every single day.

Do you have an AM routine?

Yup! I leave my phone charging for the first 30 minutes, and usually get up as 6:30 AM to watch the sunrise from my deck while I sun gaze, meditate and repeat my mantra of gratitude for another day of the sun rising over. I sun gaze for about 10 minutes which opens the third eye, and awakens my soul. By the end of my meditation, the sun has risen and I start my day with a glass of alkaline water and a digestive enzyme 30 minutes before eating, vitamins and begin to make breakfast. After breakfast I always clean up the house so that it is a relaxing place to live. I then begin to do yoga on my deck and usually will also go for a 5 mile walk on the beach or will go to a fitness class close to home. I end my workout with breath work, reiki healing or sound healing. I then will get to my emails and work for a few hours on getting organized.

Do you have a bedtime routine?

Neither my boyfriend or I look at our phones for at least an hour before bed. But I usually spend some time working on my art in the evening before I put my phone away. Once I do, my boyfriend and I discuss spirituality and read Ram Dass “Be Here Now” or “A Course in Miracles” to one another. We also love to play sound bowls, drums and sing different spiritual songs. We then usually end our night the same way we start our day, with meditation, but we do so on our crystal heating pads. We leave our phones charging in the other room to lower our exposure to light and EMF pollution. I usually drink alkaline water and fresh ginger tea before bed as well. I pray every night as I get into bed, thanking the universe for such a beautiful life.

Local healthy find in your hometown (Miami)?

My favorite Miami finds are Dirt, Plant and Dreamer Cafe.

What’s your favorite benefit of alkaline water?

I feel confident that my water is clean and free of of chlorine that could calcify the pineal gland which closes the third eye. Alkaline water keeps my third eye OPEN!

What’s your favorite Dafi product?

Right now, I have only tried the pitcher but looking forward to trying out the water bottle as the on the go aspect is great for me as I go to the beach and yoga quite often — two places that hydration is KEY. 

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