

Sep 14th 2020 | Posted by Author: Sara Quirconi


Wake up world! It’s time to start prioritizing our sleep. Getting better sleep is one of the top trends in wellness in 2020 — and with good reason.

The quality of our sleep is the key to so many other functions of our health and well-being. Lack of sleep, or poor quality Zzz’s, can affect everything from our creativity, productivity, metabolism, fitness capabilities, and even how kind we are to others.

March 13th, 2020 is World Sleep Day, and we’re celebrating with some easy to implement tips to help you get better sleep starting tonight.

1.Time your sunlight

Light is crucial to setting our circadian rhythm, our internal clock. Be sure to get as much bright sunlight as possible first thing upon waking, and start to dim off lights and electronics especially an hour or so before bed time.

2. Set a bedtime routine

The easiest way to get your body into a habit that it’s time to sleep is to get a routine in place each and every night. This includes the activities we do, the order we prepare for bed, scheduling in the same time, and even the same order. Planning ahead, and scheduling it in, is the way to commit to you and the bed for at least 7 hours of rest.

An example routine can be: hot tea 2 hours before bed. Followed by a warm shower. Then, brush teeth and wash face. Followed by 30 minutes of relaxed reading. Lights off!

3. Remove electronics from the bedroom

This is so crucial, to keep the peace of your mind in your bedroom. Even one email from your boss or disturbing message on social media can set off your mind for the entire evening. In addition, the blue light emitted from screens keeps us up. By removing electronics from the bedroom and not looking at screens at least 1 hour before bed can help keep our minds, eyes and dreams at ease.

4. Ease up on the caffeine and stay hydrated throughout the day

It’s recommended to avoid caffeine after 2p in the afternoon, and stay well hydrated throughout the remainder of the day for better sleep. When your system is clean and well balanced with alkaline quality water, you can sleep at ease and the body functions as its designed to.

We recommend getting at least 8 8-ounce glasses of filtered water from our Dafi Alkaline Glass Pitcher a day for better sleep in the evening. Just not too much water before bedtime — otherwise you’ll be up going to the bathroom all night!

5. Snack carefully

Try to ease back on foods at least 3 hours before bed. If you do snack, try to avoid anything with too high of a sugar count. Instead, opt for warming foods that can calm your body, such as an oatmeal, to wind your body down into a restful sleep.

On that note, avoid alcohol at all costs before bed, which can derail your circadian rhythm and leave you dehydrated the following day.


There are five easy to implement tips for better sleep you can implement starting tonight. With better sleep, we can be healthier, happier humans in our waking hours.

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